Streamline Incident Resolution and Improve Customer Satisfaction with Elements Overview for Jira

Incident management can be a challenging mission where speed, visibility, and collaboration are essential. A well-managed incident management ensures prompt and effective resolution of issues, fostering positive relationships with customers and ultimately driving business growth through repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

That’s why BIM (Bad Incident Management) can not only put your customer satisfaction at risk, but also your business success.

To reach High-Quality incident management, and keep your customers happy, using Jira Cloud in combination with the app Elements Overview can help you optimize your incident management process, enabling teams to address issues efficiently while keeping customers informed throughout the resolution journey.

Jira provides a central platform on which teams can work more closely together and thus respond to problems more quickly. Automations help with this and contribute to efficient investigation and resolution of issues. Thanks to well-structured workflows with clear responsibilities, the entire process is transparent and comprehensible.

Elements Overview is an issue visualization app for Jira Cloud that lets Jira users and customers display and edit snippets of related issues exactly where they need them, e.g. in issue views or request portal, giving them the perfect overview of an incident.

Together, both tools are an unbeatable weapon when it comes to successful incident management and customer satisfaction.

Centralized information for a comprehensive view of the incident

Elements Overview for Jira simplifies the investigation process for your support agents by providing contextualized and actionable information in a centralized location.

Rather than navigating through multiple Jira tickets, support teams can access all related issues directly from the main problem itself.

By using a common label for allrelevant tickets, the app intelligently links these tickets together, offering a holistic view of the incident. This centralized information view significantly accelerates the incident resolution process, eliminating the need for time-consuming searches and ensuring prompt action.

Enhanced visibility and collaboration to speed up incident resolution

Real-time collaboration and visibility are vital in incident management. Elements Overview for Jira facilitates collaboration by bringing together all the stakeholders involved in resolving the incident.

With a consolidated view of related tickets directly available in the overall problem, your support teams can efficiently escalate if needed with all key information, and track progress at a glance.

Additionally, they can save time and easily edit all related incidents directly from the overview displayed in the problem issue.

It enhances visibility, fosters seamless collaboration, reduces response times, and ultimately speeds up incident resolution.

Regular and transparent communication with customers

Keeping your impacted customers informed throughout the resolution process is essential for maximizing customer satisfaction.

Elements Overview for Jira offers a powerful solution to provide updates automatically on the customer portal. The app seamlessly integrates within the Jira Service Management portal, providing visibility into the related problem directly on each customer’s ticket.

Therefore your customers can stay updated on the progress made to address their issues without having to reach out to the support team explicitly, nor the support team has to add updates manually on each ticket.

Jodocus Elements Overview for Jira

By proactively sharing information, Elements Overview for Jira strengthens the bond between your support teams and customers, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and trust.

Interested in learning how to provide this overview on the customer portal? Check out this tutorial.


Incident management can often be a daunting mission, requiring speed, visibility, and seamless collaboration. Elements Overview empowers your support teams on Jira Cloud to optimize incident resolution processes. By offering a centralized information view, enhanced visibility and collaboration, as well as seamless customer communication, the app streamlines incident management all the way to the resolution.

Try Elements Overview for free and don’t forget to subscribe to our webinar to see it in action.

Incident management can be a challenging mission where speed, visibility, and collaboration are essential. A well-managed incident management ensures prompt and effective resolution of issues, fostering positive relationships with customers and ultimately driving business growth through repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

Try Elements Overview for free or watch our webinar to see it in action.

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